sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2020

MasterChef Healthy Contest


    In Biology we have done a contest in which the students have prepared a healthy plate following Harvard’s Healthy Eating Plate Guide wherein they must try to do it in a very appealing manner. 

These are the winners:

3ºA group 1: Alejandra Martín, Lydia Jiménez and Juan Lozano (ended in a tie)

3ºA group 2: Marina Martínez Alonso

3ºD group 1: Iván García

3ºD group 2: Adrian Montes Jiménez

 3ºE group 1: Mara Esteban

3ºE group 2:Felipe Pablos de Jesús

jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2020


    In Biology class, we have done a contest for 3D models of human cells. The students have created great models. They were very creative, and the models have been very original and visual appealing.

    The models were shown first in class, and then in the main hall of the building where they were voted for by the students and the teacher in search of the best ones. The voters should consider:

- that all the parts and organelles of a human cell are represented

- its visual appeal, and

- its originality

These were the winners:

1 st prize: Luis Alfonso Ronchas (3ºD)

2 nd prize: Laura Perez (3ºD) and Alicia Villoria (3ºE)

3 rd prize: Lara Bernal (3ºD) and David Rodriguez (3ºD)

But there are many others that were also great; I would say that almost all of them were. These are some examples: