martes, 12 de noviembre de 2019

A Person I Have Met Recently (by Alba Martín, 1st of ESO E)

Our students always have to write compositions at different levels. This one was written by Alba Martín (1st of ESO E). It is a description of a friend she has met recently.

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2019

Yōkai design

Meanwhile, in 1st ESO students have discovered the amazing world of the Yōkai.
Yōkai are sneaky fantastic creatures from Japanese lore that are said to live amongst humans. Some yōkai are dangerous and lethal, while others just like to joke and prank people and have a cute appearance. Here you can see some examples from antique prints and ink drawings:

 There are hundreds of these creatures out there, and they are so popular in Japan they have even inspired TV series, videogames and films, like Pokémon or Yō-kai Watch.

This Halloween students had to design their very own yōkai and write about its habitat, diet and behaviour. Works came out really extraordinarily, the creativity of these students is beyond limit!


Nightmarish creatures

In Art class we have been tinkering with Escher's modular compositions for a while.

This Halloween project where students create their own module and turn its shape into ghastly creatures is the result!

domingo, 16 de junio de 2019


6th June 2019
When was the last time you knocked on door? Did it open?
With her usual amusing way of telling stories, Tricia Audette's monologue reminded students they do not always have to walk in a straight line in life. We loved her performance!

jueves, 13 de junio de 2019

Biology laboratory practices

We have discovered an unimaginable world under the magnifying glass!

by Jaime Alvaredo, Jaime Cano, Sara Pablos and Pablo Alejandro Guijarro (3ºC) 


by Sandra, Ana, Paula Cambón and María López (3ºC)


by Rocio, Carolina and Cristina (3ºC)

 by Jaime Yepes (3ºD)

Vegetable cells under the microscope!


by Rocio, Raquel, Pablo de Val and Mónica (3ºC)

By Jaime Yepes (3ºD)

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

A FUN WEEK IN AN ENGLISH CAMP with English Immersion Adventure 

This April, 1st and 2nd of ESO students had the opportunity to take part in a real English camp. Together with English students, they enjoyed all the fun activities such as kayaking, archery or climbing in Fairthorne Manor, a beautiful site near Botley, Southhampton. 
 They also had the chance to spend two days visiting London, Winchester and Eastleigh. Here you can have a taste of what we know will be an experience they will never forget:

jueves, 25 de abril de 2019


We celebrated World Book Day in different ways at IES Calatalifa. Students in 1st of ESO made beautiful book marks with inspiring or famous quotes:

Some students in 2nd and 3rd of ESO exchanged books and 4th of ESO students wrote some reviews about their favourite English books. We displayed them in the hall:

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019


This year, our 4th of ESO students had to do some research and then talk about this topic in a video made by themselves. Here you can see Ruth Sánchez-González, Nerea Serrano, Esther Durante and Claudia Gil de Zúñiga (4th A) doing their presentations.

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2019

In Technology we are having fun doing robots that follow the light

lunes, 28 de enero de 2019


This past November, the bilingual and program students of 1º ESO were able to go on a field trip to Arqueopinto. During this excursion, the students were able to learn and see for themselves what an archaeological excavation looks like, as well as a receive a full explanation of the evolution of man from Australopithecus to Homo Sapiens; seeing their physical and cultural characteristics. It was very interesting to see a recreation of what they looked like, tools they used, how they hunted, and how they finally discovered fire.
They day after the trip, the same archaeologist who presented to us the day before came to Calatalifa to explain Paleolithic and Neolithic paintings. The students were able to see how the cavemen created paint from their surroundings, in the colours of red, yellow, and black. Once he explained what symbols cavemen used to tell their stories, he handed each student a brick tablet so they could then paint using the same symbols that were used in Prehistoric times.

The field trip and painting class were two great activities that reinforced what the students have been learning in class in a more real and dynamic way, plus, to have fun while doing so.