For a couple of weeks, our students from 3rd and 4th ESO have been learning and talking about different aspects related to the fashion industry, like the impact on workers and the environment. They have been involved in different activities like defining “fast fashion”, analysing where their clothes come from or reflecting upon the environmental consequences and the human resources that are needed to create garments, and they have created posters to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the fashion industry. This way they have reflected upon the need to take personal responsibility when buying clothes, the effects of over-consumption, the easy changes we can make to be sustainable and the urge to improve safety and working conditions in the fashion industry. Here are some examples of their works:
- Advanced English (45)
- Arts (16)
- Biology (21)
- English (15)
- Physical Education (3)
- Social Sciences (17)
- Technology (8)
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2022
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2022
This year, among many other activities, our youngest students wrote these original Book Reports with the books they had read for the 3rd term. Then we displayed them in our entrance hall.
Many students prepared an oral presentation of their books too, which encouraged other classmates to read another book.
Our 3rd of ESO students took part in very enjoyable drama workshops last April 4th. The workshops revolved around Romeo and Juliet, which most of them had already read. After a brief cultural and literary introduction, students could act out selected parts of the play following very clear directions. The activity turned out to be so good we will be doing it again with 2nd of ESO soon.
miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2022
During March and April different students from 2º ESO C, D and E, created an Art Project about Women´s Day .
First of all, they worked in groups of two students, girls and boys creating posters with several art techniques.
Secondly, every group drew different portraits of crucial women from several professions throughout History. Besides they wrote a slogan about women´s life .
Finally, students decorated various places around our school.
Undoubtedly, it was a wonderful experience for everyone!