This time of the year in 1st ESO, we are discovering the world of audiovisual communication. And one of the most engaging activities to learn how to express different emotions by using images is the creation of custom emoji sets. To encourage the students, the exercise is proposed as a contest, where the winners receive their emojis digitalized as a prize. The best works are displayed, so all the students get inspiration from their classmates' creativity.
First, I show them the classic version and ask them to choose 10 different emotions:

Then, I ask them to think of an original concept for the set. All the emojis must be coherent with that idea. And finally, they find a name for the set. Below are some of my favourite emoji sets from this year:
And these are the winners!
Third place: Sara Masi (1ºE)
Second place: Candela Tomé (1ºF)
First place: Celia Rincón (1ºF)
Finally, for the prize, I digitalized and slightly improved the original designs. That way, the winners can use their emojis as a stickers and in their social media. This is the result:
Congratulations to the winners for the gorgeous designs!