Calatalifa comes from the Arabic Qalát
al Halfa, “a castle built in brick”.
Calatalifa was the name of a fortified Arab city of the 9th century founded by
Abderramán III. Some archaeologists claim that Calatalifa is the fourth most
important Arab city in the Community of Madrid, after Madrid, Alcalá la Vieja
and Talamanca. The Villaviciosa settlement is the fourth in importance and the
only one without excavating.
In the Islamic period this place was inhabited, and taking into account
the archeological remains there were military population. Calatalifa was located
in a strategic place.
It is believed that it was primarily a farming community that became a
small town fortified city when it was conquered by the arabs. They based their
economy on horticulture, fisheries andcrafts, at the same time they shared
these activities with the military life of the fortress during two centuries. When the collapse of the
Al-Andalus emirate in taifas, this land was within the taifa of Toledo.
The Arabs built a castle and a fortress
to guard the road of Roman origin that linked Toledo and Segovia along the
right bank of the Guadarrama River. However, another tradition relates that the
caliph ordered to build the castle to commemorate a solar eclipse that occurred
during his first visit to the place. In the fourteenth century, after being
inhabited for hundreds of years, this city next to the Guadarrama was defeated by the plague and became a
"sick place", which had to be fled from.
To get to the Arabic city, from Villaviciosa de Odón you have to to take the road called the pine
forests that goes out to the southwest of the village, and that leads to the
interior of a private property in the place called Cueva de la Mora. Next to
the river, and between two ravines, are the remains of the castle and the wall.

However, excavations were suspended for lack of budget
and the findings were brought to the National Archaeological Museum. A few
years ago has collapsed the Aljibe and part of the wall that had been found;
for this reason, many citizens of Villaviciosa de Odón have asked to return to
the excavations.
In Spring , I
go on excursions in the surroundings of Villaviciosa by bike and I have gone on
several occasions to visit the Moorish ruins, it's exciting to think that an
important arab city existed city for so many centuries.
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