- Advanced English (45)
- Arts (16)
- Biology (21)
- English (15)
- Physical Education (3)
- Social Sciences (17)
- Technology (8)
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2024
The 1st ESO students became tour guides to delve into Ancient History. Organized in groups, each team researched a monument belonging to the Mesopotamian or Egyptian culture. After their research, they prepared exhibits explaining the history, symbolism and cultural importance of the monuments. This activity fostered meaningful learning by connecting historical knowledge with the practice of essential skills such as research, oral communication and teamwork.
martes, 18 de junio de 2024
4th ESO Historical Documentary Project: A Journey Through Time
We are excited to share the incredible work some of our 4th ESO students (4ºA) have accomplished this term with their "Exploring Historical Events and Figures" video documentary project. This engaging and educational project was designed to deepen students' understanding of history, enhance their presentation skills in English, and foster creativity through collaborative work.
Our students delved into various historical topics chosen by them, creating documentaries on figures and events such as Cleopatra, Princess Diana of Wales, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the Discovery of America, the Man on the Moon, and dictatorships in Spain.
As part of our bilingual project, "One School, One Voice", the students paid particular attention to their oracy skills. They focused on both verbal communication (tone, pitch, volume, pronunciation) and non-verbal communication (body language), ensuring their presentations were clear, engaging, and effective.
Here are some screenshots from their impressive documentaries:
A Wonderful Journey Through Literature: Our Reading Activities in 3rd ESO
As we wrap up another
remarkable school year, it's time to reflect on the engaging reading activities
our 3rd ESO students participated in.
Our dedicated 3rd ESO
students presented book reviews, showcasing their favourite reads. They
selected books from a wide range of genres and topics. These presentations
allowed them to share their thoughts, analyses, and personal reflections on the
chosen books, enhancing their critical thinking skills.
Here is a glimpse into
the wonderful world of books explored by our students this term:
- Student Reviews: Each student chose
a book that resonated with them, and they delved into the themes,
characters, and plots, providing unique perspectives and thoughtful
- Diverse Selections: The books reviewed
spanned various genres, including fiction, fantasy, and mystery. This
diversity not only broadened their literary horizons but also encouraged
them to appreciate different writing styles and storytelling techniques.
- Engaging
Presentations: Our students didn't just read; they brought
their books to life through engaging presentations. They used creative
slides, captivating cover images, and interactive elements to make their
reviews more engaging and informative.
lunes, 17 de junio de 2024
Our Arts students of 2ºC and 2ºD have worked on textures while discovering avant-garde women artists. They researched about them in groups to make an infographic like the example you will see below and later they made a small presentation to their classmates. This way we all know a little bit more about all these wonderful artists.
Once the research was done, it was time to choose a painting and get to work. They had to recreate the painting only using textures and the truth is that they prove to be amazing artists, I leave you some examples of their original results.
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024
On the occasion of Book Day last April, the English department organized the IV Literary Contest. Both students and teachers from the department, as well as our enthusiastic language assistants, thoroughly enjoyed the entire process. It is a great motivation for the participating students, teachers, and assistants to see how much creativity, talent, and language proficiency our students can demonstrate. Congratulations to all participants, especially the winners!
Many thanks also to our language assistants, who were involved at all times, culminating in a fun and motivating award ceremony 😀
viernes, 5 de enero de 2024
The inaugural term overflowed with engaging projects and festive celebrations!😊😊
Noteworthy among our endeavors was the orchestration of a costume contest for Halloween:
Additionally, we dedicated our efforts to executing projects aimed at combating violence against women on the significant date of November 25th. After dealing with the topic in the classes, some students designed and presented posters which we displayed around the building:
The season culminated in a plethora of activities centered around the spirit of Christmas, leaving us with a tapestry of cherished memories from the year 2023. Wishing a Happy New Year to all!